September 25, 2007

The Prayers of a Toddler (or, Sometimes Things That at First Seem Silly Whip Around and Turn Deep On You)

We pray with Sophie before she goes to sleep. I taught her the simplest prayer I could think of: “Dear Jesus, thank you, I love you, amen.”

I pray after she prays, and usually start out, “Dear Jesus, thank you for this day, for the food you’ve given us to eat and the place you’ve given us to live,” and then go on from there. Eventually she memorized her prayer, and has now started using parts of mine to make things up on her own. Some of her recent variations:
  • “Dear Jesus, thank you…food, milk, water, river, doggies, ahhhhm…la la la, laaaa la la…”

  • “Dear Jesus, thank you…food, milk, hungry, Hungry, HUNGRY! I HUNGRY!”
And tonight, after a particularly drawn out dinner time during which I was bound and determined to make sure she got enough to eat:
  • “Dear Jesus, thank you... food...I full.”


devinemom said...

this is so sweet and funny all at the same time. I can just hear this coming out of her. we are still working on the 'Jesus, thank you for the food, amen'.

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

your little girl is simply precious!

these little moments in life... such a gift!

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