March 5, 2005

Couple On Escalator

Couple On Escalator
Originally uploaded by Poundstone.

This link via Jeff today:The story is about Karin Bergquist and Linford Detweiler (the couple in the band Over The Rhine) and how they chose to save their marriage (by canceling a tour and going home) rather than letting it collapse. I loved this quote from Linford:

"A long-term commitment is coin-operated, it's lots of little connections on an ongoing basis."

It seems like the most-cited reason I hear for divorce is some variation on "we just grew apart." Well, no, you don't just grow apart. You either choose to grow together or you choose to grow apart. It's just that it's usually not one big obvious fork-in-the-road kind of choice. As Linford is hinting at, it's how you make 1,000 micro choices each day, each hour, each minute, each second. I for one would like to be more aware of the choices I'm making, as it seems that's half the battle. Perhaps the new Over The Rhine album will be full of sparkling and beautiful reminders of what good choices can look like - I'm betting it will be.



thats a great photo! and a really great quote too.
love the colorng book, thanks!!

Colin said...

Thanks for posting this; it's a thought that's been bumping up against me lately but I hadn't been able to get it to sit still so I could have a look at it.

And, of course, the "coin-operated" thing is brilliant.